Monday, May 13, 2024

Is Now A Good Time To Become a Non Smoker?

What if you stopped smoking today, Mother's Day in 2024? What if? What would happen? Let's talk about a couple of things that are indisputable. You would have more money to spend on things other than cigarettes. Can you dispute that? The median price of cigarettes in America is seven dollars per pack. If you smoke a pack 365 days a year, that is $2555 per year. I know very few people that truthfully say. " Money is no object. Who cares about $2555? That is no big deal." Money and what it does is important to everyone in a civilized society. Two thousand five hundred fifty five dollars added to your saving account would be nice next Mother's Day. Do you agree? Is your bank balance bigger than that right now? Are you paying that much in annual life insurance premiums? Are you putting that into your saving account every year? Are you? You are sending that much to Phillip Morris every year? Yes you are. You can certainly afford the $2555. Can you afford to fund that college fund for Junior at @ 210 dollars per month?.Life is a series of tough decisions. Am I right? This smoking feels so good. Funding a college fund for Junior, can wait. If you opened a saving account and drove through the drive in window every day at the bank and deposited seven dollars, WOW is that $49 per week in YOUR account? Forty nine dollars per week is, if there are fifty two weeks per year is (drum roll please) $2555. That is your money in your account. I have two questions for you. When would be a good time to start this, to open this account? When would be a good time to stop this practice. How about never or the Pearly Gate whichever occurs first. Seven dollars per day times seven days times fifty two weeks times thirty years is $76, 650 . There is a prize for the best comment about wht seventy six thousand dollars will make very little difference in your life. Please post that comment below. Would that money be earning interest all those years. Don't even pretend that this money is not important. This is enough money to change anyone's economic situation. Cigarettes are way to expensive. As you age , one day you may have to choose between buying medicine for your dying wife or cigarettes. As I stated earlier, life is full of tough decisions. BUT, it is only money. It is only seventy six thousand dollars plus interest subtracted from your net worth at the end of your life. Mark Zuckerberg probaly wouldn't miss it subtracted from his net worth. Do you think you might miss $76000 from your net worth at the end of your career. That money could be in yor 401 K account drawing interest and no tax has been paid on it. Think of all the pleasure that smoking, being a smoker, brings to you. Do you know why nicotine is so addictive? It is one of a very few drugs that makes everything better. When you feel good like right after sex or winning a thoudsand dollars in a baroom pool game. As good as you feel at that moment light up a cigarette you will feel even better. Is that true. You know it is true. If you feel bad like just as your wonderful girlfriend told you was leaving you for the non smoking accountant at work, you really need a cigarette right now . It will help you feel better. Nicotine is very powerful. Who cares what the cost? Who cares about emphysema, lung cancer, copd, halytosis and many more. One person that cares is me. It is awful when that next breath is NOT for certain. It is wonderful to be a non smoker. Here is a thought for all of the single people. If you are looking at a dating website, I bet a non smoker never lies about their being a non smoker. I know that smokers lie and say , "I don't smoke " When you meet them, you can smell the lingering smoke." You know pretty early that they smoke and they lie, what else do you need to know? All of these conditions get worse as you get older. What about your social life? Does smoking affect that? Actually, we may have a drop of good news. If you want to be around smokers, smoking will help your social life. At any social function, the smokers always collect together (usually outside in all weather) to smoke. It is easy for smokers to meet each other. If only we non smokers had an opportunity as good as this. There is no better example of a perfect social gambit than asking for or offering a cigarette. There is one better . Lighting a cigarette for a lady or for the General, the ultimate social gambit. There is no equal in the non smoking world. The problem is that this only works with other cigarette suckers. Socially if you want to meet and be attractive to non smokers , you have to be a non smoker. This is a decision that you make every day. Am I going to be a smoker or a non smoker? Which is better for me? Every wrong decision that you make takes you further down the wrong path. Every right decision that you make takes your down the right path. Buying cigarettes cost a lot of money. Are we all in agreement with that? Did you say yes? Here is another question that should be part of your decision. How many dinner parties and back yard Bar B Q have you NOT been invited to because, "Oh Let's not invite them. They smoke. They always smell like smoke and cigarettes"? Many smokers deny that they smell bad. As if, denying it makes it not so. It is so. If you smoke cigarettes, you smell like an ash tray. Your clothes smell like smoke. How could it be otherwise? If you smoke in your car, your car stinks . If you smoke in your house, your house stinks. Do you think this may affect the value of your car at trade in time? What about the house? I sell real estate for a living . I assure you it is yes it lowers the value of any house anywhere. I have bought lots of used cars. Ditto for the cars. Do you think your friend would loan you his beachfront condo if you are a smoker? I doubt it. Would he loan you his one year old car? The answer is he might one time buy never again. Money, your social life, what about your health. Do you care about your health? Here is anoher one of those tough decisions. Have you read this warning labels on the cigarette packs and in the cigarette store? Do you think, "THIS MEANS YOU"? Do you know that life insurance costs more for people that suck on cigarettes than it does for non smokers? I wonder why. It is because the insurance ompany hires this folks called accuaries that are smart enough to figure the odds of you dying early (bad for the Company) or living to be very old and continue paying those premiums ( good for the Company) . The accuaries know smokers do not live as long as non smokers. It is not an opinion. It is a fact. Even though life insurance is expensive, if you are a smoker, why not buy a policy to protect your not yet grown children in case you get lung cancer before they are grown? If you can afford seven bucks a day for cigarettes, you can afford the same for life insurance to protect your children. Would that be money well spent? HOWEVER, What if you are on a tight budget and you have to decide between insurance to protect your kids in the likely event of your early death and the pleasure of relaxing with the boys and having a smoke just to relax? Those tough decisions raising their ugly head up again. Growing up with little money and one parent is not easy. I know because I did it. When my dad died way too early , cigarettes were only a quarter a pack. Cokes were only a nickel. I suppose he could have bought a little life insurance instead of those Pall Malls. Life is tough with only one parent . It is even tougher with one parent that does not have much money. Is money important? That what happens when we make bad decisions. Wrong decisions lead us down the wrong road. Good decisions lead us down the right road. If you buy cigarettes every day ,please spend at least as much on your life insurance until your kids grow up. Grow up. Money is important. To say it is not is ridiculous. It does not matter how you die. If you die from emphesema or if you fall asleep in bed with one last cigarette and catch the house on fire. . Either way, Junior has only one parent and no money. Life will be tough without you . It will tougher without you and no money. Ask you insurance expert about annuities for kids. What about jobs! If you were an employer, would you care if if your job applicant smoked or did not smoke ? Would it make any difference to you, Mr. Employer. if your applicant sucked on cigarettes and smelled like an ash tray? Of course it would make a difference. Smokers waste time. Whose time? Often company time that an employer is paying for. Smokers light up in the company truck. Smokers stink. The boss knows it. The customers know it. Everyone knows it BUT the smoker. Take a guess. What is the number one source of litter on every beach in the world? You guessed it. cigarette butts. I am certain that you never throw your butts out the window of your car or on the ground. Some other smokers do. Any employer would consider this when hiring a replacement for the guy they had to fire because he burned a hole in the couch in the company employee lounge. Can you agree with that? We have talked about a few reasons why being a non smoker is better that all the pleasure that someone can get from inhaling toxins that we are not ever sure they are into their body. This one last reason is really the reason that makes a lot of difference. This is a decision that that getting it right becomes bigger than life . Pay attention. If you decide today that I AM GOING TO BE A NON SMOKER. I have already had my last cigarette. I am tired of stinking. I am done with throwing money away. I am tired of rejection from beatiful women that like me but not my cigarettes. I am not burning a hole in my car upholstery ever again. Here is the main reason you want to smoke and Phillip Morris wants you to think that is a good decision. The entire tobacco industry is depending on you to make the wrong decision. Here it is. Read this sentence at least twice. IF you continue to smoke , your offspring, that beautiful child that thinks you are the king of the Universe is five hundred times more likely to smoke than if you don't. You know this. it does not matter what you say. It matters what you do. Stop smoking now before your kids, your loved ones, the most special people in your life are looking to you every in every way to know what is right. If you smoke you will raise smokers. If you lie, you will raise liars. If you are bold you will raise bold children to be bold adults. You can't tell you kids to be frugal if you are not. I don't make the rules. I know what they are . Responsible people raise responsible children to be responsible adults. Honest people raise honest kids. SMOKERS RAISE SMOKERS. If smoking were not cool, my dad would not do it. If you smoke you kids will not only smoke , they will be hard to convince that it is anything other than ok. It is not only not ok. Smoking is awful. Do not encouage your kids to smoke. You know this is a wrong decision. Be certain that your children don't make that decision. It will lead him or her down the the wrong road. Would you agreee that this is not open for discussion? It is a fact. Any other outcome is is just luck. If you smoke cigarettes it is very likely that your children will grow up to be " Just like Dad" If you do not smoke cigarettes it is likely that your kids will grow up to be "Just like Dad". Decide now. Do you want to raise smokers? Do you want to raise non smokers? This road is very clear ahead. If you make the wrong decision, you and your children will go down the wrong road. If you make the right decison, you and your wonderful delightful kids will go down the right road. Life is better when you start on the right road. Which road do you want your kids to start on? If you want you children to grow up to be smokers, keep sucking on that tube of burning tobacco. It is such a rush. WOW. If you don't want you kids to be smokers, Stop that nasty habit today. Is it easy? Once you get that why understood, it does become easier. At a seminar once I heard a great illustration . The seminar leader ask for a volenteer to come to the front of the room. He had 2 x 12 board on the floor. He asked his volenter to walk the 10 feet from on end to the other without falling off. The volenteer did. We gave him a round of applause. Then the leader asked if that board was between two thirty story buildings , would he try again if we promised him another round of applause. The volenteer chuckled and told the leader,"No" The leader asked him, "Why" He said and this is hard to disagree with, " There would be a lot of risk and and tiny reward.". I was certain the seminar leader was ask him next if he would attempt it for a million bucks. He did not ask the question I was expecting. The leader asked him, "What if your ten year old daughter was in the other building and the building was on fire?". The volenteer said," I would run across the board" There was his second round of applause. Every person in the audience agrred with him. Stop sucking on cigarettes right now. Your child is in that burning building. He or she needs a good example from Dad. There is only one person in the world that can set that example . Talk is not an example. Actions are example. It does require a little bravery. You are brave. You are smart. You don't need a warning label . You know why folks have always called them coffin nails , cancer sticks etc. You know every word in this article is absolutely true. You know there is no reason to continue smoking and plenty of reason to stop today. Not tomorrow! Tomorrow is for sissies. If you want your kids to be non smokers, today is the only day that matters. Yesterday is water under the bridge. Tomorrow is a dream that may not even happen. TODAY is the only time that matters. Do not ever buy another pack of cigarettes. Right throw that zippo away. Don't give it away. Who would you give it to, your worst enemy? Throw in it the lake. Collect all your ashtrays in the house. Throw then away today. Flush that half empty pack down the toilet NOW, this minute. If you have some full packs at home , go throw them in the street or the storm drain. Make a decision, the best decision of your life. Declare your self a non smoker. Do not wait. Don't delay. Forget tomorrow. Decide now. Need some help deciding. Take a shhet of paper. Draw a line from top to bottom in the middle. Write on the left side " Why I love being a smoker" Write ten reasons. On the right side, Write," Why I love being a non smoker" Start with more money for me , better social life for me. I will never have to hear a good looking lady asked me, "Do you smoke?" and then say a quick goodbye. That will never happen again? I will never waste time again standing outside in a drizzling rain. I will have a longer life. I can expect to have more energy. less anxiety, I will have more friends, more self esteem for me, less litter for me, cheaper life insurance for me, $76000 in my bank to send my NON smoking kids to college. Write all of these on the other side. Stop being a sucker. Every decision every day leads you down the right road or the wrong road. Make the Big decision now to stay on thr right road. If you make twenty small decisions every day like " Should I light this first cigarette in the morning?" We what answer will take you down the road to non smoking kids? The answer that will take you to that goal is NO. You go flush all your cigarettes down the toilet. That is a decision. By the time you get dressed and out in the traffic, you realize you have gone too far. You stop at the convenice store , look in your wallet and take out ten dollar bill and start toward the door. The guy coming out the door is about ten years older than you. You see that he has a pack of smokes in his hand and is coughing his head off. You offer him the ten, " Would you please accept this ten dollar bill as a gift from me. It is part of an experiment that I am doing. Please take it." He takes your ten bucks. You get back in your car and drive away. You have made two good decisions today. If you can make twenty decisions every day that take you down the non smoker path, it won't be long until it gets easier and easier. You can stop right now if you want to. Your kids want you to be a non smoker too. If you need any help, contact me. I know how to do .. I know how to teach you how to do it.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

This Scam Is So Simple

Some scams are so simple, it seems that only a simpleton would fall for them. Every time that I buy a property, I receive a letter in the mail offering me an opportunity to send the scammer $127.95. In exchange for my $127.95, PROPERTY RECORDS will send me an "official copy" of my deed to the house that I just bought. There must be new homeowners that are foolish enough to send in the $127.95. I suppose that the new homeowners don't know they brought home a copy of the deed from closing. As long as there has been real estate, there have been scammers.
King Solomon, the richest man that ever lived, told us to "Seek wise counsel in all matters" That is certainly good advice. If there is something that you do not understand, seek advice. There is no shame in asking advice. If you need any real estate advice, feel free to call me at 828 755 6996. Here is some good unsolicited real estate advice. Buy real estate now. Become a landlord. Become a good landlord. There is no safer way to get rich than than investing in real estate. Buy one house every year for the next ten years. That advice probaly needs some details. That is the high lights. Don't wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Do You Have a Story To Illustrate That Point?

Don't you just love stories? You can tell stories about yourself. You can tell stories about your customers. You can tell stories about your kinfolks, your bosses, your employees , your friends, your enemies. fictional characters. People love stories. Jesus Christ showed us that. When you need to make a point in selling, what better way than a story? There is no better way than stories. Charts, maps, diagrams don't hold a candle to a good story. Not a mediocre story, a good story. You can tell stories about something that happen last week or when we were in elementary school. You can tell positive stories or you can tell negative stories. In selling, negative stories can come off as "high pressure". High pressure is not all bad. A little goes a long way. If you tell negative stories be careful. You can easily drift over the line to high pressure. Positive stories are never dangerous unless they are boring. How to avoid being boring? The same way you get to Carneige Hall. Have you heard this story? A young man with a music book in his hand walks up to a policeman in New York City and asks," How do get to Carnegie Hall?" The policeman replied, " Practice Practice and More Practice" There is a short two sentence story that makes a point. How can you make your sales presentation better? Practice and more practice. Here is a story that happen to me. It is a negative story. Usually when I tell this story, my audience (two customers) don't even reconize it as a negative story. I tell this story when a seller has been offered $295,000 for his house that the seller is asking $300,000 for. The seller counter offers at $298,000. The buyers love the property. They want it but for some strange reason they believe they are supposed to negotiate, like there is a prize or something. This reminds me when I was a little boy in south Georgia my grandpa had a old clishay that he used to say. He said," You can not teach a hog to sing. It wastes your time and it annoys the hog." Grandpa would say that when I was wasting time doing something that I thought was important. As I grew up I discovered that this old saying was not as popular in other parts of the country.
I love flea markets and thrift stores. About ten years ago, we visited the flea market at Pickens, South Carolina. We were led to believe that this was the biggest flea market in the south. It was big. As we were walking around, I saw on a vendor's table a small pink sign that had a picture of a cartoon hog and the sign said," YOU CAN NOT TEACH A HOG TO SING. IT WASTES YOUR TIME AND IT ANNOYS THE HOG. I had to have that sign. I asked the vendor how much. He replied three dollars. I replied will you take a dollar? He said no but he would take two dollars. I must have lost my mind. I said I think I will wait and buy it when we come back out. For the next two hours, the only thing I thought about was that little sign. When we came back, it was gone. Did I show my disappointment to that vendor? Hell no. Wouldn't it have been better if I had just paid the two bucks? Wouldn't it better if you Mr. Buyer just pay the $298,000. You don't want your wife telling my hog story for the next ten years. Stories make a point that you can not say to people. They are fun and interesting. Jesus could have just told us, " Don't be afraid. Be bold in your business endeavors" But he didn't. He said, "There was a man going on a long journeyy and he summoned his three servants......" You can read the long version in Matthew 25. Tell stories to your clients and customers. They happen every day. Some happen to you. Some happen to your co worker. Use these stories. Entertain your customers. Many times as I was riding down the East West Expressway in Orlando with a customer in the car just as you go through the toll gate, I would point and say," See that house over there at 3300 Lake Underhill Drive. I met my first customer there at an open house a hundred years ago. I was sitting there waiting for a customer when Mary Beasley walked in. Mary and her husband, Terry could not afford that $32,000 house. I found them another house on the other side of Monterey Homes for $18,800 with FHA financing and three per cent down. That was my first sale. Twelve years later in 1984 , I was walking through the Fashion Square Mall one afternoon when a lady comes running up to me and says, " ARE YOU RON CLIMER YOU ARE SO WONDERFUL IT IS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU." She gives me a big hug. I said," Who are you?" She said " I am Mary Beasley. You sold us our first house about twelve years ago. We didn't have any money but you figured out that miracle financing. We became homeownewrs. That changed our lives. We sold that house about two years ago and made a bunch of money and bought a much nicer home. We could have never done that if you had not got us started thank you thank you thank you. I love to tell that story to first time home buyers. If you were a first time homebuyer hearing that story, what would you learn from that story? You never have to make up stories. There are too many of them happening every day. Tell some stories the next time you are with a customer. Call a prospect today.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

New Real Estate School In Daytona Beach, Florida

Ron Climer Real Estate School will have a 63 hour pre license real estate class starting January 30th 2023. This is Monday and Wednesday night for eight weeks. If you are considering getting your Florida real estate license, this is the class that you need. The tuition is $150. Ron Climer is the teacher. To register, you can call Ron Climer Real EState School in Daytona Beach at 386 286 2401 or check our website at This is the least expensive and the best real estate school in Daytona Beach. Ron Climer Real Estate School is located at 3510 S. Nova Rd in Port Orange. If you need to get a real estate license in Orlando, check out Ron's daughter's real estate school, in Orlando.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Ron Climer Real Estate School in Daytona 2023

Ron Climer has been around the real estate school business since 1978. In January of 2023, Ron is opening a real estate school at 3510 South Nova Road in Port Orange. If you are in the Daytona area and you need to get a real estate license, call Ron at 828 755 6996. It would be hard to find a better instructor for the Florida real estate exam than Ron. Just so price is not a major decision for you, Ron has an introductorery price of $149 including the Dearborn book. The pre license class is sixty three hours. We will be teaching two nights per week, Monday and Wednesday from 6 to 10 PM. This is the class that you need to complete before you take your Florida real estate exam from Pearson Vue and get your Florida real estate license. For more infornation on the details of getting your license, contact the DBPR. That is the Department of Bussiness and Professional Regulation. The website is Ron Climer has taught thousands of real estate students how to get a Florida real estate license in central Florida. Ron has taught real estate license classes in Orlando, Mt.Dora, Eustis, Daytona Beach, Jacksonville, Port Orange, Ormond Beach, Flagler Beach, Palm Coast, Deland and all over central Florida.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Karen Climer and Ron Climer Are Real Estate Instructors

I have been a real estate instructor since 1978. For many years, I owned and operated Climer School of Real Estate in Orlando. In 2014, I sold Climer School of Real Estate. From 2014 until 2021 Climer School of Real Estate was operated by Andy Brown. Andy sold Climer School of Real Estate to Gold Coast School of Real Estate in 2021. WOW has Climer School of Real Estate changed? Pretty much everything except the phone number and web address has changed. Meanwhile, my daughter< Karen Climer, has opened Demetree Real Estate School. In stead of being the most expensive real estate school in town, Karen's school is the least expensive. Instead of having dull boring instructors, Demetree School of Real Estate has the best instructors in central Florida.. Karen Climer is an excellent instructor but she does not teach at Climer School of Real Estate . Karen Climer and I teach at Demetree School of Real Estate. We teach what is on the Florida real estate exam. If you need a state exam weekend review IN PERSON, call Karen Climer at 407 493 3974 . Karen will answer. If you need a pre license class call Demetree School of Real Estate . Karen's website is If you need help with your real estate math , check out this video.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Use Donald Trump's Tax Reduction Tools So You Will Pay No Taxes

 It has been reported in the news lately that in recent years, Donald Trump paid only $750 in taxes to the IRS.  How can this be?

Would it surprise you to learn that interest paid on a mortgage is tax deductible?  How much is the annual interest on four hundred million dollars?   Trump pays mortgage interest.  He does not owe tax on the money he pays as interest.  If you owned some rental property, and if you were paying interest on a mortgage on that rental property, those interest payments would be tax deductible.  

Do you know what is better than tax deductible interest?  DEPRECIATION, the real estate owner's ultimate tax deduction.  Interest paid on a mortgage is tax deductible.  Trump probably pays twenty million a year in interest.  He does not have to pay taxes to the IRS on that money.  He does have to have income to pay that interest.  

Depreciation is better than that!  If Trump owns five hundred million dollars worth of real estate, he can write off (as an expense) depreciation of about thirteen million per year just as if he is paying the thirteen million to someone.  Who is he paying it to?  Nobody!  What a loophole.  

Let  me help you pay less taxes.
You do not have to be Donald Trump or General Motors to benefit from this wonderful tax benefit called depreciation to keep money in your pocket instead of paying it to the IRS.  

If you are a forty year old employee earning $100,000 per year salary, you are probably paying taxes to the IRS.  You could buy  yourself a duplex for $250,000,  You could put $25,000 down and get a $225,000 mortgage.  The rent could make the payments.  Time and inflation would cause the property to increase in value.  As you made the payments with the rent money, your equity would grow every month as your principal payments reduced your mortgage amount.  The interest would be tax deductible.  

Just like Trump, every year you could write off about $7200 in depreciation.  You could tell the IRS that you had this depreciation expense.  Who are you paying the $7200 to?  Nobody.  It works for Trump.  It will work for you.  

If you are currently paying money to the IRS, there is no better way to reduce your tax bill than writing off some depreciation on rental property.  Call me, Ron Climer, Realtor at 828 755 6996.  I will help you buy your first rental property.  Real estate is the ideal investment.   Watch this short video.   

If you do this when you are forty, thirty years later you will be seventy.  You will ask yourself," Where did the time go?".  Now, your first investment property is paid for.  It is free and clear.  Not only that, it has doubled in value.  The rent has also doubled.  Owning real estate is wonderful.  What a retirement program!