Geico Insurance has created a wonderful ad campaign around ,"Everybody knows that.".
That is the biggest problem in sales training. The trainee thinks they already know what the trainer is telling them.
Trainer," Do you know that you should answer a question with a question?"
Trainee," Yes, I know that."
Trainer," When would be a good time to start doing that?"
Trainee,"I suppose now would be a good time."
Trainer," I am sorry. I did not hear you. When?"
Trainee, "Now."
Trainer,"Did you tell me that you understand that you need to learn to answer a question with a question?"
Trainee," Yes. I understand."
Trainer," Would you like to play a learning game with me?"
Trainee," Sure."
Trainer," Here is how the game works. We both take a dollar out of our pocket and put it here on the table. One of us asks the other a question. The second player has to answer the question with a question. If the second player answers with a statement the first player wins. Do you have a dollar bill?
The trainer and the trainee have a dollar on the table. The Trainer asks," Do you understand the rules?"
Trainee,"Yes" Trainer picks up the two dollars.
Ron Climer is a sales trainer in North Carolina. Study is constant. |
Trainer,"Do you want to play again?"
Trainee," Hey! Wait a minute. I wasn't ready."
Trainer,' Do you have another dollar?" Trainer places his dollar on table. Trainee places his dollar on the table.
Trainer,"Are you ready now?"
Trainee," Yes. I am ready now." Trainer picks up the second pair of dollar bills and asks," Do you want to go one more round?"
When you "know" something, you live it. If you know that you need to prospect every day, you prospect every day. When you know you need a presence on the web in today's world, you get the show on the road and create a web presence. When you know that you need to let the customer talk more than you talk, you shut your mouth and let the customer talk. When you know that rejection is necessary to succeed, you just accept it and get on with it.
It has been my observation that most people say they know more than they really know. In real estate, look at your paycheck. If you earned $50,000 last year, you know how to earn $50,000 per year. If you earned $500,000 last year, you know how to earn $500,000 per year. If you want to earn $500,000 but are earning $50,000, there must be something that you don't know that you need to know. Read that last sentence again. You need to know more to earn more.
How can you know more? Are you reading? It is a yes or no question. Are you reading three or four books every month to help yourself earn more money. There are books about selling. There are books about personality and motivation. You need to be reading. I don't have time doesn't matter. Read. Learn how to answer objections. How many objections are there? Learn how to answer these objections. You can not think of the answer while you are sitting at the seller's kitchen table.
Sit down with your sales trainer and three or four senior salespeople and admit to them that you don't know what to say when the seller says," I am going to list with XYZ Realty because the XYZ salesman told me he could get twenty thousand more than you are telling me.'. You can not figure this out sitting at the seller's kitchen table. You need to learn what to say in a training session. Here is a video to give you a little help.
If you don't know what you don't know, it is because you are not seeing enough prospects. Go see some prospects. Make some listing presentations. Hear some objections. Come back to the office and ask the sales trainer,"What do you say when they say they are going to list with Small Realty because Small Realty specializes in their neighborhood.".
Sales training is forever. It is not over two weeks after you get your real estate license. Ask the senior sales people for advice. Some of them will help you. Some won't. Learning is constant. Attend seminars. Ask your broker to reimburse you for this kind of training. Most will. Here is an article i wrote that mightt improve your relationship with your broker.,-A-Dozen-Questions-for-Your-First-Interview&id=6149977 The more you learn , the more you earn. Call a prospect today.