The North Carolina Real Estate Commission released the pass fail statistics for the North Carolina real estate exam for April, 2018. Seven hundred and eighty seven real estate license applicants attempted the North Carolina real estate exam for the first time in April. Four hundred and ninety five of those exam candidates passed. They all paid $164 for the opportunity.
That is a 63% pass rate. That means that if you are soon taking the North Carolina real estate exam, your odds of passing are 63%. It costs $164 every time that you take the North Carolina real estate exam. You can not afford a "practice run". You want to pass the first time.
If you think you are ready for the North Carolina real estate exam, take my practice test at . There is a ten dollar fee. If you want a good practice exam, this is cheaper than the North Carolina real estate exam.
Fifteen per cent of the one hundred and forty questions on the North Carolina real estate exam are arithmetic. If you can not compute interest and pro rate taxes and rent and amortize a mortgage balance after two payments and determine square feet and ascertain value given NOI and capitalization rate and tell a buyer how much money to bring to closing and tell a seller how much he will take home, you need to master this math BEFORE you show up at the PSI test center with money in hand to take the North Carolina real estate exam.
The best way to be certain that you know how to do this math is to watch my North Carolina real estate math videos on You Tube. There are a dozen of these videos. There is no math on the North Carolina real estate exam that I do not have on You Tube. If you encounter one, call me and tell me. I will post it.
Take the time to watch these videos. It is free. It is easy. You can make it a social affair. Invite a few of you classmates over to watch with you. Invite that guy that is shouting out the answer before you have your calculator turned on.
Most real estate test applicants study like they want to baaaaaaarely pass. Study like you want to make 100% on the North Carolina real estate exam. Help your classmates. Tutor some of them that need help. The best way to learn anything is to teach it.
If you are still in real estate school, ask your instructor that question that your neighbor does not want to ask because he is afraid that the teacher will embarrass him. Read every word in the eight hundred page textbook. Do every question at the end of the chapter. Do the test in the back of the book. Do the fifty question math test that is in the textbook. I have the explanation to that on You Tube.
Read the "Comments" in the textbook. There is a lot of test material from that. Read the glossary in your textbook.
Stay in touch with your classmates. Get your classmates contact information. Find out when they are taking the exam. Call them five hours later and congratulate them on passing. That seems so tacky. Did I mention that it cost $164 to take the North Carolina real estate exam every time that you take it. That is tacky!
What do you think? If your classmate had a question on his exam asking how many members of the North Carolina Real Estate Commission must be real estate brokers, could you possibly get the same question on your exam? Maybe. You would not discuss what was on the North Carolina real estate exam. There is a skull and crossbones warning on the computer screen telling applicants NOT to discuss these confidential questions with anyone. I am certain these questions are never discussed outside the PSI test center.
Stay in touch with your First Real Estate School classmates |
Get to the test center early. Relax. Do not show up to take your exam after rushing in the traffic. Read the glossary in the parking lot. Leave a note pad on the seat of the car on top of your textbook. If you come back to the car with a failure notice in your hand like 37% of the test candidates do, start writing down the questions that you saw that you did not know the answer to. What is TRID? What is the Conner act? What is functional obsolesce? What is CFPB? If you saw those questions today, you will probably see them again. Do not go back at $164 per chance without knowing the answer to these questions. Thumb through your textbook to remind yourself. Share this advice with your peers. Send them a link to this article.
I have talked to students that have taken the exam five times and have never done this. How many test do you think they have? Write down what was on your test and start learning the answer to those questions.
I can think of a lot better way to spend $164 than to take the North Carolina real estate exam again. Pass this exam the first time. Help your classmates pass it the first time.
If you are near Hendersonville, North Carolina and need to get your real estate license, contact me at