Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Easy Way To Learn Presentation Skills in Hendersonville, North Carolina

     Good public speaking skills will do more good for your career than any other single skill that you can learn.  The ability to speak to a group from a podium is not hard to learn.

     Most people spend their entire career with a fear and no experience in public speaking.  I believe that this is true because most people have no idea what a valuable skill public speaking is.

     Fear of public speaking is the number one fear in America.  One reason this is true is because most people have zero experience with standing in front of a small group of people and speaking to them.  All of their fear comes from their imagination.

     Many people imagine that the audience will not like me.  They imagine that the audience will not smile at me.  They imagine that the audience won't accept me.  All of this is in their imagination, not reality.  They have no experience to verify or disprove their imaginary experience.
Public Speaking Skills will enhance your career 

     Wouldn't it be great if there were a venue where a rookie speaker or a speaker wannabe could get experience and training in a safe, comfortable environment?   If there were such a place, would you be interested in learning to be an excellent speaker?

     There is such a place.  It is your local Toastmasters club.   There is a Toastmasters club in your city.  Why should you join?  Why indeed?   You should join because the only purpose of Toastmasters is to teach their members speaking and leadership skills.  It is not a class that you take over six weeks.  It is a club you can participate in for as long as it benefits you.  I have been a member for twenty eight years.  The dues are $120 per year.  The return on your investment is ten thousand per cent.

     If you spent a couple of years in a Toastmasters club, you would develop extraordinary speaking skills.  What could you do with that skill?  I can tell you what I did with it.  After four years in Toastmasters, I tripled my income.  I never went back to my old mediocre income.  Today, I earn my living standing in front of a room teaching people to change their life.    Joining Toastmasters was a good decision for me.  Joining Toastmasters would be a good decision for you. 

     If you live anywhere near Hendersonville, North Carolina, contact Four Seasons Toastmaster Club at  .  If learning a skill that will enhance your career is high on your list, come see us.  It is easy.  It is lucrative .  It is fun.  My phone number is 828 440 1064.  Call me.  I will give you the details.

Monday, September 18, 2017

The North Carolina Real Estate Exam Pass Fail Rate Results for August 2017

The North Carolina Real Estate Commission released the pass fail results for last month's North Carolina real estate exam.  In August, 2017, Six hundred and six real estate license applicants paid PSI to take the real estate exam so they could get their North Carolina real estate license.  Three hundred seventy eight of those real estate license applicants passed the exam.  That is sixty two per cent.  If anyone told you that this exam is easy, they lied.

Three hundred and seventy eight real estate license applicants will be paying $164 to try again.  What can these repeat real estate exam takers expect?  In August, one hundred and seventy three repeat test takers paid $164 to attempt the exam for the second or third or fourth or fifth time.  Thirty three of these repeaters passed.  That is a nineteen per cent success rate.   If you did not study enough the first time, I suggest that you overstudy the second time.

In North Carolina, if you have an active real estate license in another state, you may be able to get a North Carolina real estate license just by passing a forty question test.  In August, seventy six real estate licensees from other states attempted this test.  Nineteen of them passed.  That is a twenty five per cent pass rate.  If you would like a sample of this test, there is one at  One of the obvious problems that out of state real estate licensees have is that they believe what they already know is going to help them pass the North Carolina real estate exam.
First Real Estate School in Hendersonville, N.C.

If you are soon taking the North Carolina real estate exam, do not underestimate this exam.  It is not a cake walk.  If your real estate instructor did not tell you that, he has done you a dis service.  This test is hard, difficult, challenging, onerous, exhausting, tedious, formidable, exacting, Sisyphean, tough, perplexing, obstinate, recalcitrant, obstreperous, unyielding to say the least.  It costs $164 to take this test every time you take it.

Overstudy!   Tape $164 cash to the bathroom mirror.  Tell your spouse that we are going out to dinner with that money if I pass the first time.  Tell your spouse that you will not be watching TV or football or Facebook until this test is over.  Send your spouse an email with a link to this article.

Get together with your classmates and study together.  Get together with your classmates and watch my free real estate math videos on You Tube. Here is a link to one of those.   Thirty eight per cent of your classmates are going to fail the North Carolina real estate exam.  Be sure that those students are invited to the study session.  They are the guest of honor.  Stay in touch with your classmates until everyone passes the state exam.

Be sure that you know how to do all of the math.  Most people that fail do not fail by twenty points.  They fail by one or two points.  It still costs them $164 to take the test the next time.

Make yourself some flashcards to help you pass the North Carolina real estate exam the first time.  This is easy.  Take 500 three by five cards and write, " How many members of the North Carolina Real Estate Commission must be real estate brokers?" on one side of the three by five card.  Write the answer on the other side.  Do this with 499 other questions.  Use these cards.  Wear them out.  Use these cards all the time.  They worked in the second grade.  They will work now.

If you are one of the 62% that is planning on passing the North Carolina real estate exam the first time, stop reading now.  If you are one of the 38% that is planning on taking the test twice, read the next paragraph.

When you go to the exam the first time, leave a legal pad and a pen lying on the front seat of the car.  When you get back with a failure notice in your hand, start writing down the questions that you did not know the answer to.  You don't have to remember the whole question.  Remember the highlights. This information will never be fresher in your mind than right now.  Do not delay.  Right now before you crank up the car.   What is a subornation clause?  What is the Machinery Act?  Who is bound in an option?  The optionee or the optionor ?   Do you think maaaaaybe you might see these questions again.  Would that make you mad?   If you got back and there is that question about the Machinery Act.  You did not know what it was last time and you don't know today.  Make flashcards out of those questions that you write in the car .  It costs $164 to take the test every time you take it.

If you live anywhere near Hendersonville, North Carolina and are looking to get your North Carolina real estate license, contact me at

Monday, September 4, 2017

If You Get A Bad Instructor in Real Estate School in North Carolina..

     Yesterday, I received a sad email from a man in that had just taken a real estate licensing course from a real estate school in the flat end of North Carolina.

     He told me that his instructor was was pretty dull and uninteresting.  He told me that she did not really understand the material well enough to explain it.  He also told me that fourteen out of fourteen of the students enrolled in the class, failed the real estate school exam.  He emailed me to ask for advice.  He was asking me because he had watched my North Carolina real estate math videos on You Tube.  Here is a link to one of the "Black Shirt" videos.  Watch all five of them if you are soon taking the North Carolina real estate exam.

     Here is the advice that I gave this man.  I told him to read every word of the text book.  Read every chapter at least once .  Three times would be better.  Read the "comments", Appendix A on page 615 of the ninth edition.  Read that at least three times.  Read "Real Estate Licensing In North Carolina' on page 638 of the textbook.  Here is a video to tell you what that is about.   This little brochure from the North Carolina Real Estate Commission tells us exactly what is on the North Carolina real estate exam.  This is the same ratio that this material is on the school exam.

     I told him to share any help he could find on the internet with his classmates.  Get together with your classmates and study together.  make passing the North Carolina real estate exam a group activity.

     I told him that one of my competitors has the entire class posted on You Tube.   Here is a link to the first one.  This is free help.  Watch them all.

First Real Estate School in Hendersonville, N.C. 
     I told him to answer all the questions at the end of the chapters.  Really answer them like a test.  Grade yourself.  If you are not passing those, you probably won't pass the real estate school test which is written by the North Carolina real estate commission.  I told him to do all the other tests that are in the textbook.  I have have a free practice exam right here on this blog as well as a 100 question practice exam at  Do those practice tests.

     I also have a North Carolina exam review at  on video.  This is not free .  It is certainly worthwhile.

     I also told  him to write his own questions.  Make flash cards.  Put,"What North Carolina law regulates ad valorum taxes ?" on one side of a 3x5 card and the
"machinery act" on the other side .  Make about  500 of these.  Use them.

    I suggested that he study any way he can morning,  noon and night.  I suggested that he could worry about his social life after he passed the North Carolina real estate exam, the exam with a 60% pass rate that costs $164 to take the second time.

     I suggested that there are many things that a student can do to help a struggling instructor.  Number one, pay attention.  Do not be part of the instructor's problem.  Be part of the instructor's solution.  Pay attention and insist that your classmates pay attention.  Talk to your classmates during the break .   Tell them that texting while the teacher is talking is RUDE RUDE RUDE.  Maybe they do not understand that.  Maybe they believe in multitasking.  I assure you will not be passing the North Carolina real estate exam if you are multitasking.  It is hard to listen to a mediocre instructor explain title insurance while posting on Facebook.  Do your part as a student.  Ask a question if you don't understand.  Don't attack and criticize the teacher.  Help the teacher.  Your tuition is spent.  You have to put in the hours.  It is going to affect your life more than it is the teacher's if you fail.

     Getting a real estate license in North Carolina is not easy.   The course is difficult.  The material is boring even if you have a fabulous instructor.  The North Carolina real estate exam is hard with a capital H.  Overstudy.  Study like you are appearing on a quiz show with a million dollar prize.
Guide to Passing AMP Real Estate Exam, get this book.

     There is a wonderful book titled "Guide to Passing the AMP Real Estate Exam" .  We sell this book on our website at  .   I am sad to admit this.  I did not know how wonderful this book was until my own students started telling me.  I now sell it in class as well as the website.  Get this book.  It is full of questions and wonderful explanations.  It is published by Dearborn, the same people that publish you real estate textbook.

    If you are in the mountain end of North Carolina and you want to get a real estate license, consider us, First Real Estate School, in Hendersonville.  Study, study,study.