Friday, October 24, 2014

Income Increase Challenge for October Twenty Fourth

     Today is the 24th of October.  What is the number on your rear view mirror?  How many listings have you taken this month?  If you need a couple more to meet your goal, run yesterday's expired listings off the MLS.  Send them some mail.  Mail won't help with this month's goal.  It will certainly make next month's goal easier. Call a couple of these folks.  They are going to list with someone.   Did you read yesterday's instruction?  If you started to do what I described yesterday, you will quickly discover that every thing you do has ancillary benefits.  If you did yesterday's exercise, it would seem that the purpose of the exercise is to sell the super bargain house.  That is true.  Also you would build a list of people to call when you find such a bargain again.  The cool thing about super bargains is they come along all the time.  Have that list of super bargain hunters ready when you find the next one.  

     Add three cards to your forsalebyowner pile.  Call three forsalebyowners.  If you don't know what to say, go watch my forsalebyowner video.

     Write a blogpost or post a video on You Tube.  This is a long range project.  Just today, I went back to an article I had written in 2011 and sent a link to someone that asked a question that that article answered.  You will find yourself doing this in the future.  When you have an appointment with a person that owns a ninety year old house, you send them a link to that article you wrote last year about old houses.  When you have an appointment with a foreclosure victim, you send them a link to that article you wrote last year about how  foreclosure works. Here is one of mine.   Your credibility is established before you show up.  You can't do that today if you wrote NO articles or posted no videos last year.  You can't do it next year if you post nothing this year.  Start posting something on the internet.  Go to Trulia Voices or Bigger Pockets and answer a question or two.  Have you posted a blog on Bigger Pockets?  There are lots of prospects there. When would be the best time to start , yesterday, today or tomorrow?  I think yesterday would be best.  Today would be second best.

     Send out one thank you card by US mail.

     Add ten names to your who you know list. 

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