Friday, October 10, 2014

New Realtor, Get Face To Face With A Prospect

     In today's modern world, we have Skype, text, email, instant message.  We can send a photo around the world in a minute.  People claim to be so busy, they don't have time to talk on the phone.

Ron Climer lives in Tryon, North Carolina. If you need sales training,
     Some things are as constant as the rising sun.  Here is one constant.  The main most number one most likely reason that people do business with you is.......  Do you know?  Are you sure? Finish that sentence.  What is the answer?  The answer is the main most number one most likely reason that people do business with you is they like you.  The number one main most likely reason they don't do business with you is they don't like you or they like your competitor better.

     You don't have to go far to prove this to yourself.  Who is your favorite mortgage person?  Who is your favorite title insurance person?  Who is your favorite real estate school?  People today and people when Jesus walked the earth do business with people that they like, personally.

     That is the good news.  It is also the bad news.  Have you had a sales trainer tell you,"Don't take rejection personally."?  Have you had a sales trainer explain the law of averages?  The more you see, the more you will sell.  That sounds good when you are standing in front of a classroom.  Try it in person.  You go see ten prospects.  Nine of them list with your competitor.  What does that tell you?  Nine out of ten people don't like you.

     That is big time, first class, deluxe rejection.  That is for tough guys only.  Sissies need not apply for that gig.  What is the solution?  It is simple.  Don't call any prospects.  Don't go see any prospects.  You won't have any rejection.  Rejection is less painful on the phone than it is in person.  True or false?  I think most of us will agree rejection is painful.  It is less painful on the phone than it is in person.

     You get all dressed up.  You go see a forsalebyowner or an expired listing or a foreclosure victim or a referral from a friend.  You show them your fabulous listing presentation.  They list with  your competitor.  That is a dagger in the heart. 

     Apparently, sales trainers are teaching new Realtors to qualify buyers on the phone the first time you meet them.  Apparently, sales trainers are teaching their students to do their listing presentation on the phone.  Tell the prospect about our wonderful marketing program on the phone.  If your sales trainer is telling you that, Ron says,"Get face to face with a prospect.".  I know gasoline is expensive.  I know time is money.  Ron says," Get face to face, eyeball to eyeball, knee to knee with a prospect.".

     If you get face to face with a prospect and they list with your competitor that only talked to them on the phone, you might want to work on your people skills.  I say that to be funny.  I say it as a joke.  It may not be a joke.  How are your people skills?  Do you know how to make people like you?  Are you a ten on a scale of one to ten?  You need to be.  How do you get to be an excellent people person?  The same way that you get to Carnegie Hall, practice, practice, practice.

     What better way to practice your people skills than to go visit with a couple of forsalebyowners every day.  Practice letting them talk.  Practice using their name in conversation.  Practice asking questions.  Practice admiring their home.  Practice listening to stories about how cute their grandchildren are.  Practice steering the conversation.  If you did that two or three times a day, you would get really good.  Get face to face with a prospect. 

     Forget the phone.  Forget Skype.  Forget text.  Get face to face with a prospect, someone that needs or wants your product, can afford it and will most likely buy  it from you or your competitor in the near future.

     What are you doing with all of your time?  Young Realtors tell me," I don't have time to waste on unqualified prospects.".  Why not?  What are you doing with ten hours a day?  Do you have an appointment with a more qualified prospect?  Ron says," Get face to face with a prospect.".  Face to face is where the action is.

     The phone is for making appointments.  I want you to do business with me is for FACE to FACE.  If you are closing twenty listing per month on the phone, you don't need to read my article.  Please, leave a link to your article in the comments on how to do that.  I want to read that article.

     Mr,. FSBO " Can I stop by and take a look at your house at two or is three better for you?"
     Mr. Referred by a friend,  " May I stop by your home at noon today or is tomorrow better?"
     Mr. Expired " I would like to stop by and show you what XYZ can do to get your house sold quickly. Is ten thirty good or is two thirty better for you?"
     Mr. New Licensee," I know you have decided to go to work for Bozo Bob Realty, I would love it if you could stop by the office just for a quick tour.  Are you available today at four or is tomorrow at ten better?

     If you don't have a face to face appointment today, get on the phone and get one.  What are you doing with your time?  If you are a new Realtor with less than ten listings in inventory, you have plenty of time if you will quit wasting your time on trivial matters.  Get face to face with a prospect.  Get yourself rifle barrel focused on this.  Get an appointment, face to face, with a prospect.  If you have forgotten what a prospect is , go back and read my previous blogpost about prospects.  A face to face appointment with a prospect every day will change your life and your lifestyle.  YOU MAKE LISTING PRESENTATIONS IN PERSON.  The phone is for making appointments.  Ask your trainer if I am right.

     I know I am right but I want you to convince yourself.  Do you have an appointment to get face to face with a prospect?  Get one.  If you will get on the phone right now and start calling prospects, you would have to be awful on the phone to not get some apointment with somebody sometime.  Start dialing.  You will hit a winner.

     Prospecting and presenting, everything else is a detail.  If you will start prospecting and presenting, it won't be long until you can hire someone to take care of the details.  Get focused.  get face to face with a prospect, today.

     I probably should write a separate article for this.  I won't.  Consider this.  How much money is a listing worth?  If an average house in Orlando is $175,000 and average commission is 6%. and you coop every transaction,and you are on a 60% split and only 70% of your listings sell, your average commission for a listing taken is $2250 whether it sells or not.  If you do not understand this , ask your manager to explain it to you.  two thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars, do you have time to drive to Longwood for that?  Do you have time to drive to Lake Nona for that?   Do you have time to drive to Ocoee for that?  YABUTT , only 25% of them list with me.  Whose fault is that?  Is that the prospect's fault?  How are you going to get smooth without practice?  How are you going to get good without practice. You are not.  Go practice your presentation on a prospect, face to face.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Climer, your blogs inspire me daily. Today's is no exception. THANK YOU.
