Saturday, October 11, 2014

Less Rejection Means More Real Estate Sales

     Take the rejection out of selling real estate.  Think about a dangerous job like being a policeman or fireman or soldier.   These folks earn a living by placing themselves in personal jeopardy.  What do they do to minimize this danger?  They get training.  They train constantly. 

     Our job of selling real estate is not nearly this dangerous.  It is dangerous in that we are constantly doing things that attract rejection to us.  Training is our remedy.  The more you know, the harder it is to reject you.  Don't forget this.  When you go to see a forsalebyowner or an expired listing or a foreclosure victim or any other prospect, they are looking for a solution to their problem.  Be sure that you are part of their solution.  Do not be part of their problem.  That is where  the rejection comes in.

     These people want information.  You tell me.  What do they want to know?  Write down ten answers to that question and you have ten blog titles.  Write those ten blogposts and post them on your blog.  I call your blog and your You Tube channel and any other web presence that you have created a prospect trap.  The more prospect traps that you have, the less you have to dial the phone.  The more bait that you put in the prospect trap, the more prospects you will catch. 

     If you are new in real estate, here is a fabulous prospect trap that you can use to get started.  It is called floor duty or the politically correct term, opportunity time.   Floor duty has kinda gone out of style but I believe it is coming back into style.  If you company has a time that it assigned to you to be in the office and take incoming phone calls, this is called floor time or floor duty.  The key word is duty.  If you are assigned you have to be there even if you would rather be elsewhere.  Most real estate agents dislike floor duty.

     If yo need some prospects, here is what I want you to do.  Put a sign on the company bulletin board  and let your co workers know that if they don't want to do their floor duty, you will do it for them.  When they call, say yes.  At any real estate office I have ever worked at, you can do as much floor duty as you want. 

     What is the deal?  The deal is you are "stuck" answering the phone.  You have to develop skill at answering the phone.  If you want to develop that skill rapidly, record your calls. Get a forty dollar digital recorder .  Set it on your desk and record your end of the conversation.  Teach yourself to answer questions with questions.   Most Realtors after five years experience have not developed that skill.  Training and practice will shorten your learning curve.  Watch this video.  It is a good start.  If your personal phone is not ringing, I certainly hope the company phone is ringing.  You need to talk to a prospect. 

     You must develop skill at taking incoming phone calls.  The object is to get an appointment with the caller.  That is another article.  Get your prospect traps set.  Write some articles, post some videos .  The traps won't work if you don't put bait in them.  They call you or you call them.  You decide.

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