Saturday, October 25, 2014

Overcoming Fear, A Real Estate Agent's Worst Enemy

     Today is Saturday, the twenty fifth.  What is the number on your rear view mirror?  How many listings have you taken this month?  This is the last Saturday of the month.  If your results are not meeting your goals, it might be a good idea to work today.

     I downloaded an advertisement from Zillow, yesterday,  "Ten Ways To Get More Real Estate Listings".  What do you think was hot tip number one?  It was call expired listings.  I have been telling you for twenty five  days to call yesterday's expired listings.  On Saturday, you will have no competition.  If you have not called yesterday's expired so far, it is probably because you are afraid of the rejection.  Forget about the fear.  Call yesterday's expired listings today.  Go back and watch my video if you don't know what to say.  Just today, there is no competition.  It is Saturday.  Suzy Superstar is not calling them today.

     I heard a sales trainer use this example to explain fear.  He said imagine a ten foot long 2x10 board lying on the floor.  For a one hundred dollar reward, could you balance yourself and walk from one  end to the other.  Everyone in the room agreed that we could.  He asked if there was anyone in the room that would not try.  We all agreed that we would try because what was the worst that could happen?  The worst that could happen was we would lose our balance and fall two inches.  We would not get the hundred dollars but we would lose nothing.  Then he asked us to imagine that the 2x10 was stretched between two ten story buildings.  For a one hundred dollar reward, how many would walk across the board?  He lost about eighty per cent of us.  The penalty for failure (falling ten stories) was too great for the reward.  Then he took things a little further.   He asked us to imagine that the other building was on fire and one of our kids was trapped on the roof.  The only way we could save our kid was walk across the 2x10 and carry our kid back.  Every person in the room was ready to go.  The point of this illustration is two things.  We often imagine that the danger is greater than it is.  When we call yesterday's expired listings, we are not going to fall ten stories if they say no.  We are going to fall two inches.  So what?  The other point of this illustration is we underemphasice the reward.  Would you walk across the 2x10 sitting on the floor for a two thousand dollar reward.   That is the value of an average listing.  What is the worst that can happen if you call?  What is the reward if you call and the expired listing lists with you?  So what if some of them say no?  So what if most of them say no?  Do not let fear stop you from calling.

     Add five cards to your forsalebyowner pile.  Call five forsalebyowners today.  Today is Saturday.  The forsalebyowners are home.  They are in a good mood.  It is the perfect day to call forsalebyowners or better yet, go knock on their door.  If you don't know what to say, go watch my video on You Tube.

     Start your next blogpost.  Answer a question on Trulia Voices.  Read a blog on Active Rain and leave a comment.  If you have not joined Active Rain yet, it is free .  Follow this link and join today. 

     Start thinking about November's goals.

     If you get a listing, mail out 200 "just listed " post cards to the neighbors.  If you put a house under contract, mail out 200 "just sold" post cards to the neighbors.  If you have a closing, mail out 200"just sold" post cards to the neighbors. 

     Plan your open house for Sunday.  Remember to bring a chair.

     This is the Income Increase Challenge instructions for today.  If you don't know about Income Increase Challenge, watch this short video.

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