Monday, October 6, 2014

Real Estate Expired Listings, Finding Them

     If you are participating in the Income Increase Challenge this month, I told you in today's  post to send a post card to the expired listings.  You don't have to do it this way.  This is the way I did it.  I sent out the post cards with my home return address and no identification that I was a Realtor.  Just the phrase I told you," If your house is still for sale please call me at 828 440 1064"  Plenty of them did call.  The first thing I did was identify myself as a Realtor and ask if the house was still for sale or was it sold.

     After I had been calling expired for about a year.  I got more methodical.  I created a personal brochure and a letter.  I mailed this to one hundred per cent of the expired listings.  I had these at the post office by ten o,clock in the morning. I started with the post cards from the post office.  Can you guess why?  $$$$$$$$$$ They were cheap and easy.  When I started mailing letters, I had over a dollar invested in every letter.  Until I started consistently listing ten expireds a month, that was a small financial burden.  Go the cheap and easy way until it is not a financial burden.

     Mail is good. A phone call is better.  Mail and a phone call is better.  Today, if I were mailing a letter, I would have a link to my blog article,"Why Your Listing Expired In The MLS."  I would also have a link to my You Tube Video, "Why Your House in Orlando Did Not Sell".  The more ways you can attempt to contact prospects, the better.  Read this article.

     The gold in expired listings is the out of town owners.  Whether it is a empty house with their out of town address in the public records or a house that appears to be owner occupied but is empty.  If a house appears to be owner occupied but it is empty, what does that tell you?  It tells you the owner has moved since they listed the property.  Do you think their motivation to sell has increased?  If you can find these people new address or phone number, you will have no competition when you contact them.

     I want you to start mailing a post card to every expired listing.  When you send the post card with your home return address, under your return address, write this phrase. DO NOT FORWARD ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED.  In a few days, the pot office will send your card back with their new address in their new city.  If they have a land line,( half the people do) you can call information and get their new number. If this sounds like a lot of trouble, just to get a listing, you need to remind yourself of what a listing is worth.  When you have twenty listings, your phone will start to ring.

     In today's modern high technology world, there are lots of ways to find addresses and phone numbers for people.  Find them.  Contact them.  They are going to list with someone.  It may as well be you.  


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