Sunday, February 8, 2015

In Hendersonville, North Carolina Real Estate Is Still The Best Investment

     Safety of your principle is paramount in investing.  Do you get that with real estate in Hendersonville, North Carolina?  Yes , you do if you buy right.  Here is a good rule of thumb.  Buy in a buyer's market.  Sell in a seller's market.  How do you know which market we are in?  Ask any Realtor.  If he tells you that we are in a seller's market, ask him to call you when there is a buyer's market going on.  Let him know that if he runs across a super bargain, you would buy it.  Don't be vague and ambiguous.  Be direct.  Tell Mr. Realtor exactly what you would buy.  That is how you find bargains.

     Why does this system work?  It works because everyone is different.  If you are forty years old, and have a propensity for a little risk and don't mind being slightly aggravated by tenants, and if the reward is worthwhile, you need to know that everyone is not like that.  Some people have no propensity for risk.  Some people can not cope with tenants and contractors and all the things that go with owning rental property.  If you are the person that can take a risk and deal with tenants etc., you are special.  You are elite.  You are in a perfect position to profit with investment properties over a period of time. 
Let Ron Climer help you build your real estate portfolio, 828 755 6996

     You know that you have to earn a proper return on your investment in real estate or any other investment. You can not invest $100,000 to earn a $2000 annual return.  you need to do a little better than that.  You have to get a return on your investment that makes your investment worthwhile.

     Also, real estate is not a passive investment.  You don't invest $100,000 in real estate.  Call your broker every quarter and ask him how it is going.  That is not the way it works.  There is rent to be collected.  There are repairs to be taken care of.  There is lots of activities when you own real estate.  It is still the best investment in town.  Real estate is an active investment. 

     Real estate appreciates in value.  This has been going on since 1492.  It is not going to stop in your lifetime.  To prove this to yourself, if it needs proving, watch this video that I made in April of 2012.   In this video that I made in April of 2012, I used an average house in Orlando, Florida with a price of $110,000.  That was the price of an average house in Orlando Florida in April of 2012.  Today, February of 2015, an average house in Orlando Florida is $180,000.  Do you suppose that average house in your city, Hendersonville, North Carolina, has appreciated since 2012 ?  An average house in Hendersonville today is $180,000.  What do you suppose an average house in Hendersonville, North Carolina will cost in 2025?  What about 2035 ?    Will you still be with us in 2035 ?  If you bought that average Hendersonville house today, rented it out for enough to make the payments and give you a decent return on your investment,  chances are it will appreciate in value over the next twenty years.  Chances are you will also be able to raise the rent over that twenty years span.  Ten years later, that average house will be paid for.  How old will you be in 2045 ?  If modern medicine continues to advance like it has for the last thirty years, that won't even seem old. If you bought one average house every year, you would own twenty rental houses.  Life is good.  Retirement is good.  The hard part is starting.

     Owning rental property is the slow way to get rich quick.  If I can help you get started or help you to continue building an investment portfolio that you have already started, call me, Ron Climer Realtor Extraordinaire ,  at 828 755 6996 or

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