Wednesday, September 18, 2019

What Per Cent Pass The North Carolina Real Estate Exam in August 2019?

The North Carolina Real Estate Commission released the pass fail statistics for the real estate exam in August, 2019.  The North Carolina real estate exam is a two part exam.  Eighty questions are on the "national"  portion of the exam.  Forty questions are on the "North Carolina"  portion of the exam.  A real estate license applicant has to pass both sections of the exam before they are awarded a North Carolina real estate license.  It costs $164 EVERY TIME YOU TAKE THE EXAM.

In August, six hundred and thirty six real estate license applicants took the two part North Carolina real estate exam.  Three hundred and fifty five of those applicants passed.  That is a fifty six per cent success rate.  All of these real estate license applicants had passed a real estate course taught by a North Carolina real estate school approved by the North Carolina Real Estate Commission.  Two hundred and eighty one of these real estate exam applicants will be paying $164 to try again before they receive a North Carolina real estate license.

I suggest that if you are soon taking the North Carolina real estate exam, overstudy.  Study a lot.  It is not a mystery what is on the North Carolina real estate exam.  The North Carolina Real Estate Commission publishes a booklet to tell a real estate license applicant EXACTLY what is on the exam.  It is a free download from the Commission's website. .  Also I have posted a video explaining it at  Download this booklet.  Study what IS on the exam.

On You Tube, I have an explanation of how to do all the math that is on the North Carolina real estate exam.  Please take a minute and read this article.  Here is a link to one of a dozen You Tube videos to help you with the math.  The math is at least ten per cent of your test.  At $164 per try, you can not ignore the math.  Watch the videos. Learn to do the math.
Do not underestimate the North Carolina real estate exam.  

I have published a free practice test right here on this blog.  Take an few minutes and do the test.  Grade yourself.  If you are not making a 90% on that little test, keep studying.  Here is a link to that.   If you are having trouble making a ninety per cent on this test, KEEP STUDYING.

I have another North Carolina practice test.  The link for it is  .  This exam costs ten dollars.  After you take the test, I give you the answers on video along with an explanation. There is one exam for the national portion and one exam for the North Carolina portion.  Take them both.  If you are not making a ninety, take it again.  You can take it as many times as you like.  Invite you classmates over.  Study together.   Ten dollars is a lot cheaper than $164.   Forty four per cent of the test takers paid $164 to try again.  Pass the first time.

One of the problems with the North Carolina two part exam is that you have to pass both portions.  If you made 100% on the national portion and missed the state portion by one point, you would be paying $164 to take that state portion again.

More people fail the "North Carolina "   portion than the national portion.  Half of the questions from the "North Carolina" portion of the exam come from "The Comments".  This is a free download from the North Carolina Real Estate Commission's website at .  Read "The Comments"  at least ten times.  This is dull reading.  I have read this onto You Tube.  If you would rather listen to me read it, here is a link to the first of seven videos.  It is not fun and interesting but it is certainly absolutely on the exam.  Read or watch me read the comments.  This is on the most missed portion of the exam.

If you live anywhere near Hendersonville, attend First Real Estate School.   If not, watch the math videos.  Read or listen to the comments.  Read your textbook.   Answer the questions in your textbook.  Take my practice exams.  Watch the math videos.  Call me if I can help you.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Easiest First Thing To Do in Real Estate

If you are brand new in your real estate career, you have probably received a lot of conflicting advice.  Here is an example.

When you are new, should you volunteer for floor duty?  Floor duty, also called opportunity time, is where a real estate agent volunteers to sit in the lobby of the real estate office and answer the phone when prospects call or drop in.  The shifts are usually 9 to 1 or 1 to 5.  Is this a worthwhile endeavor?

The bad news is maaaaaaybe a prospect will not call or walk in.  The good news is maaaaaybe an Arab shriek will walk in and buy a 2 million dollar house.

It would appear to the naked eye that it is just luck which of these happens.  It is not luck.  It is a learned skill that you solely need to learn.  I call it verbal adroitness.  It is knowing what to say.  Shooting from the hip does not work.  Let's try this.
You never know where the next real estate super star will come from

Mr. New Guy is sitting on floor duty.  Meanwhile, a happy young couple is riding around Hendersonville, North Carolina in their rental car.  The couple sees a sign in a yard from XYZ Realty.  They dial the number on the sign.  The new floor agent answers the phone," Hello, XYZ Realty.  This is Newby.  How can I help you?"

Mr. Couple replies," We are sitting in front of a house at 123 Residential street.  What is the price of that house?"  Newby replies,"  Let me look that up." pause pause pause pause pause   "That house is $459,000."  Mr couple replies, "That is too much." CLICK

There goes another HOT prospect.  Where did he go?  He went to the next real estate company that  he called.  That call went like this:

Ring Ring

Hello, Well Trained Realty, This is Suzy Superstar, How can I help you?

Hello. I am sitting in front of a house at 456 Average street.  It has your sign in the yard. What is the price of that house?"

Suzy replies, " Hold on while I look that up." pause

Suzy says,"  I am back.  That house is $429,000.  Is that a price range that is comfortable for you?"

Mr Couple replies, " No, I don't think that will work for us."

Suzy quickly responds,"  Oh what were you hoping the price would be?"

Mr Couple says, " I was hoping it would be closer to $229,000.".

Suzy responds, " We have an abundance of nice homes in the 230 range.  Can I help you find one?

Mr. Couple says," We just got off the plane and rented a car.  I am starting a new job here in Hendersonville the first of next month.  We are here this weekend to find a house.

Suzy asks, " Could you come by my office and let's get started?". 

"That would be great"  Mr. Couple replies.

If you are doing floor duty with the skill level of Newby, you probably think floor duty is no good.

Once your skill level rivals Suzy's skill level, you think floor duty is a license to print money.

As you gain experience and skill (those two words are not synonyms), floor duty will become more valuable.

If you don't have phone skills, your income is limited in real estate.  As your skill grows, your income will grow too.   It does not happen by accident or osmosis.  You have to take deliberate action to make it happen. Suzy did not dream up the idea to answer a question with a question.  She learned that at  a sales training session many years ago. 

As you develop phone skills, your income will increase greatly?  Volunteer for phone duty or floor duty or opportunity time or whatever your company calls it. You can not develop skill without practice.  Learn and practice phone skills.  Get good.  Make a fortune.

If you are anywhere near Hendersonville, North Carolina, call me at 828 755 6996.   I will get you started. If you are anywhere near Orlando, Florida, call my daughter, Karen at 407 493 3974.  She will get you started in a lucrative career in real estate. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Little Known Secret about Selling Real Estate

After I had ten years experience selling real state in Orlando, I attended a real estate seminar which was really a sales pitch for Mr. Guru's "advanced course" for real estate investors .  The Guru at the front of the room would get very quiet and say." Let me tell you a little known secret about real estate.".  Then he would tell us some basic fact that I had known for years and I assumed that everyone else knew.

After the meeting was over, I was standing around in the lobby talking with other people that were in attendance.  I was amazed to learn that most of the people there did not know these "little known secrets" that I thought everyone knew.  This was a big lesson for me.

If you are new to real estate sales, there may be things that your sales trainer knows that are so basic that she forgets to mention it. Here is a "little known secret"  for new real estate agents.  Listen carefully.

In order to make money selling real estate, you have to have a prospect ( someone that wants to buy or sell real estate ) to talk to.  Did you get that?  Did you understand that?  Do you believe that?  You have to get face to face eyeball to eyeball toe to toe belly to belly with someone that wants to buy or sell some real estate.

This is simple.  If the sun comes up and the sun goes down without you talking to a prospect, you will not make any money that day.  It is simple.  It is true.

Any sales training course anywhere for new agents will tell their new agents to create a list of every person that you know.  Mail
Send out some mail. Prospects will call you. 
 them a card or letter and ask them to remember me if you need any real estate.

Do you think most new Realtors do this?  NO!  One in a hundred listen to this fabulous advice.  They tell their sales trainer, Oh, I don't know anyone.".  Do you go to church?  Do you belong to a club?  Do you belong to the PTA?  Do you participate in a hobby with other people?  Do you have relatives?  Do you have a doctor, dentist, plumber, mechanic, piano teacher, accountant, yoga coach, butcher , baker or candle stick maker that you do business with?  Send these people a letter. Send them a card.

Why doesn't every new Realtor contact these people?  It is a mystery to me.

If you want to launch your career, mail out two hundred letters to everyone you know.  Here is the strange thing.  You will be flabbergasted and amazed at who calls you.  Some high school friend that you have not spoken to in ten years will call you and wants to buy a house.   Your old boss that fired you five years ago will call you and list his house with you.

If you don't send any mail out, nothing will happen.  DO IT.

If you are interested in starting a new real estate career in Hendersonville, North Carolina, contact me at .  If you are interested in starting a new real estate career in Orlando, Florida contact Karen Climer at

If you are interested in advancing your current real estate career, send out some mail TODAY.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Free Real Estate Math Class in Orlando in 2019

If you are soon taking the Florida real estate exam, you need to know that it is ten per cent math.  You need to know how to compute interest.  You need to know how to determine how many acres when given the dimensions of a property.  You need to know how to compute per cent of profit.  You need to know how to compute deed stamps and mortgage stamps and intangible tax.
After this class, real estate math will be a walk in the park

Good news !  On July 19, 2019 Karen Climer from Demetree Real Estate School in Orlando will be teaching a FREE real estate math class in Orlando at 5 PM.  This is to teach you how to do the math that is on the Florida real estate exam.  If you have applied for a real estate license in Florida, you are going to have to learn how to do this math before you pass this very difficult exam.  Come to Demetree Real Estate School and learn for FREE. 

To enroll in this free class, call Karen at 407 493 3974.  Invite your classmates to join you.  If you have any questions, call Karen. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Pass Fail Statistics for the North Carolina Real Estate Exam in May of 2019

     In May of 2019, six hundred and forty eight real estate license applicants took the comprehensive North Carolina real estate exam for the first time.  Three hundred and eighty two of those test takers passed both halves of the comprehensive real estate exam.  The other two hundred and sixty six real estate license applicants will be paying $164 to try again before they get their North Carolina real estate license.  That is a 59% pass rate.

     In May, one hundred sixteen license applicants took the comprehensive exam for the second time or third time or fourth time.  Twenty three of them passed.  That is a twenty two per cent success rate.  Ninety three of those repeat test takers will be paying $164 to try one more time.
Pass the North Carolina real estate exam the first time

     This news may give you a distorted picture of the North Carolina real estate exam.  The North Carolina real estate exam is a two part exam.  Eighty questions are the "national" portion.  Ninety two per cent of the comprehensive test takers passed the "national" portion.  On the "North Carolina" portion, which is forty questions, the pass rate was sixty percent.  You have to pass both halves to get a North Carolina real estate license.  It costs $164 to try again.

     Apparently, more people fail the "North Carolina" portion that the "national" portion.  Here is a study tip if you are soon taking the North Carolina real estate exam.  On the "North Carolina" portion of the exam, over half the questions come from Appendix A (aka "The Comments") in your textbook.  You must read "the Comments" if you intend to pass the North Carolina real estate exam.

     If you find it just too boring to read, listen to me read it on You Tube.  Here is a link.   It is seven videos.  It is not exciting.  It is not fun.  There are no pictures.  The material in "The Comments" is on the North Carolina portion of the North Carolina real estate exam.

     If you want to know if you are ready for the North Carolina real estate exam, take my practice test at .  If you are not making a ninety per cent on my practice exam, take it again until you are.  Study the chapters on agency.  Read the two T contract.  Know what the Conner Act is.  Know what the Machinery Act is.  Know how many members are on the NCREC.  Know the information that is in "The Comments".  It costs $164 to take the test again.

     If you need any help with the North Carolina math, I have it all posted on You Tube.  Put my name Ron Climer North Carolina math into the search bar at You Tube. 

     Here is a link to a video to let you know what is on the North Carolina real estate exam.  Study the info that is on the exam.

     If you live anywhere near Hendersonville, North Carolina, join us at First Real Estate School .  If you need a Florida real estate license, contact in Orlando.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Selling Real Estate Can Be a Stepping Stone or A Career

     Yesterday, I Googled "Success in real estate".  I was surprised at the quantity of articles about how tough, hard, difficult  it is to be a successful Realtor.  Many of these articles pointed out that as much as 75% of new Realtors don't last five years .  These people were described in many articles as "failures"

     From where I am standing. ( the front of a real estate classroom) these people are not failures.  They are successful.  I see lots of people arrive in a real estate license class from a not so hot place in the socio economic world.  They are working at a $12 per hour J.O.B. They come to First Real Estate School with hopes of changing their economic lives.  They do change their lives.

     Selling real estate is a life long career for many people.  It is a stepping stone or a rung on the ladder of success for others.
Selling real estate can be a stepping stone in your career path

     Many people get into real estate.  They start to earn a nice income.  That turns into an above average income.  That turns into an extraordinary income.  That turns into an opportunity outside of selling real estate.  That person leaves real estate to pursue some other endeavor.  This other endeavor is often NOT another $12 an hour job.  It is a step up from selling real estate.

     To be mildly successful in selling real estate requires a lot of personal development.  You learn as much about persistence, and attitude and budgeting and creativity and leadership  and presentation skills as you do about how to write up a contract or measure square feet in a house.  These new skills and attitudes naturally  propel people to greater heights.

     If these heights are in real estate, that is cool.  If these new heights are in some other field, that is just as cool.  What a person learns from five years of making a living selling real estate on commission will serve that person for the rest of their career.

     Take a look at your current career path.  If it looks like you are income is close to maxing out, consider a career in real estate.  It is a very pleasant way to earn an above average income.  If you are highly motivated, it is a great place to earn an extraordinary income.

     If you are anywhere near Hendersonville, North Carolina, contact me at First Real Estate School.  I will show you how to start a new real estate career.     

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Pass Fail Statistics for March, 2019 for North Carolina Real Estate Exam

The North Carolina Real Estate Commission released the pass fail statistics for March 2019.  Seven hundred and eight real estate license applicants took the North Carolina real estate exam at a PSI test at one of the fifteen offices throughout the state.  Three hundred eighty two of those applicants passed.  That is is a 54% pass rate for March of 2019.  Three hundred and twenty six of these real estate license applicants will be back paying $164 to take the test again. 

It is expensive to underestimate the North Carolina real estate exam.  The North Carolina real estate exam is in two parts.  There are eighty questions on the "national"  portion of the exam,  There are forty questions on the "North Carolina" portion of the exam. You have to pass both portions to get a North Carolina real estate broker license.  Lots of real estate broker applicants pass the national portion but fail the "North Carolina" portion.  Those real estate license applicants will be taking the "North Carolina" portion again.  They will pay $164 for that experience. 

In March, two hundred and ninety applicants took the "North Carolina" portion for the second or third or fourth time.  One hundred and seventy five passed.  That is 58%.  They all paid $164.

It is not a secret what is on this test.  The North Carolina Real Estate Commission publishes a booklet titled " Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina" .  Here is a video explaining this more thoroughly.  On page sixteen of this booklet, it tells you exactly what is on the North Carolina real estate exam. 

Over half the questions on the "North Carolina"  portion of the test come from Appendix A in your textbook.  To go pay $164 to take this test without reading Appendix A is foolish.  Appendix A is also called "The Comments".  If you walk out of the exam with a failure notice in your hand, ( You passed the "national".  You failed the "North Carolina"  portion. )  you need to open your textbook before you crank up the car and start reading "The Comments"  and marking things that you saw on your test that you took a few minutes ago.  You will see those same things next time.  Don't go back ( at $164 per try) without knowing how many members of the NCREC must be real estate brokers.  Does that make sense? 
Do not underestimate the North Carolina real estate exam.  

If you find "The Comments" too boring to read, I have read it for you on You Tube.  Here is a link to that.  There are seven videos of me reading "The Comments".  Read it.  Listen to me read it or pay $164 to try again.  Understand agency.  It is fifteen questions on the exam.  Read "The Comments".

If you want to know if you are ready for the North Carolina real estate exam, go to my practice test at  .  I have two practice exams, one for the "national" portion of the exam and one for the "North Carolina" portion of the exam.  The tuition is ten dollars per exam.  Invest $10 before you invest $164. 

There is no math on the "North Carolina" portion of the exam.  If you need help with the math, I have a dozen You Tube math videos posted on You Tube.  It is free.  If there is math that you don't know how to do, watch the free real estate math videos.  The "national" portion of the real estate exam is ten per cent math.  It is hard to pass if you can not do the real estate math. 

If First Real Estate School in Hendersonville can help you pass the North Carolina real estate exam, contact us at

After you get your North Carolina real estate license, you may need a good place to start your new career.  I work at Keller Williams Realty in Hendersonville.  Keller Williams Realty is a perfect place to start a new real estate career.  Call me at 828 755 6996 and ask me why.  .  I will put you in touch with a team leader of a Keller Williams office near you.  Call me or email me at

Good luck in your new career.  Pass the exam the next time you take it. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

A Dozen Questions to Ask the Sales Manager on Your First Real Estate Job Interview

1.  What are my required hours?

2.  Do I have to work weekends?

3.   Explain how "desk duty" works.

4.   Explain how the training works.

5.  Explain the commission split using a $200,000 house.  

6.   How much money would I have to earn to be the top earner next year?

7.   If I buy or sell my own house, do I have to pay the company a commission?

8.  Will the company reimburse me my tuition from real estate school?

9.  If I invited my classmate from real estate school to join me here, would I earn a recruiting bonus?

10.  Is there a retirement plan?

11.What company is your toughest competition?  

12.  How much would I need to sell to get 100% commission?  


Monday, April 15, 2019

What To Do When You Fail The "North Carolina" Portion of the Real Estate Exam

It costs $164 every time you fail the North Carolina real estate exam.  The North Carolina real estate exam is in two parts.

There are eighty questions on the national portion.  There are forty questions on the "North Carolina" portion.  You have to pass both parts.  You could make a 100% on the national portion and fail the "state" portion.  You will be back taking the "state" portion again.

When you go back to take the "North Carolina" portion for the second time, please pass.  Here are some tips to be certain that you do.

When you failed the "state" portion the first time, did you write down the things that you missed?  If not, please use this suggestion.  When you go back for your second attempt at the North Carolina real estate exam, please leave a legal pad or an audio recorder  on the seat of the car.  If you fail, before you crank up the car, start writing down questions that were on your exam.  You will see those questions again.

If you see a question asking how many members of the NCREC must be real estate brokers, you will likely see that same question again.  If you don't know for certain, be certain that you know the next time you see that question (at $164 per try).  Does that make sense?

My second suggestion is to read the "Comments" also known as Appendix A in your textbook.  There are only forty questions on the "state" portion of the North Carolina real estate exam.  Half of them come right out of the "Comments".  If you find the "Comments" just too boring to read, I have read them for you on You Tube.  Here is a link to the first one.  There are seven of them.  Read the comments five times or listen to me read them five times. The "Comments" are on the exam.
Call me Let me introduce you to our team leader at KW

My third suggestion is take my practice exam at  There are two exams there.  Just take the one for "out of state"  This is just the "North Carolina" portion of the exam.  If you have not yet passed the national portion, take them both.

There are eleven questions on brokerage relationships on the exam.  Read that chapter in the textbook.  Answer all the questions at the end of the chapter.  There are eight questions on agency contracts on the exam.  Read that chapter.  Answer all the questions at the end of that chapter.  There are ten questions on real estate license law and Commission rules on the test.  How do I know this?  The North Carolina Real Estate Commission publishes a booklet, "Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina".  It is re published in your textbook.  It is also a free download on the Commission's website.  It tells you in the booklet EXACTLY what is on the exam.  My fourth suggestion is read this booklet.  Study what is on the exam.  Here is a link to a video about that. 

When you went the first time to take the North Carolina real estate exam, I will bet that you did not take a small box of chocolate candy for the test monitor.  My fifth suggestion is take a box of chocolates.  Smile and give them to the test monitor and ask her to give you the easy test.  She will laugh and assure that there is no EZ test.  You let me know if that is true.

After you pass the North Carolina real estate exam, you need a real estate firm to go to work for.  Call me at 828 755 6996 or email me at .  I will introduce you to the team leader for the nearest Keller Williams Realty near you.  Keller Williams is a wonderful place to start your career.  Contact me.  You will be glad that you did.

If you are anywhere near Hendersonville, I will introduce you to our team leader at 404 S. Main St.  You will also need post license education.  First Real Estate School has the most fun post license education in North Carolina. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Who Said "Teams Don't Work" in Hendersonville, North Carolina Real Estate?

     In real estate sales, there are dependent business models.  There are independent business models.

     At Keller Williams Realty, we have an interdependent model.  The way our pay plan is structured makes the "team" concept make a lot of sense.

     The team concept is based on the realization that we all have different strengths and "challenges".  It is not unusual for a Realtor to have a very aggressive personality that is comfortable calling cold leads but maybe be less than stellar doing the paper follow up that is critical for success.

    Some Realtors like to list houses and dislike showing houses to finicky, indecisive buyers.  Another Realtor might love potential buyers and dislike sellers that can not acknowledge that their home is not in showcase condition.
Keller Williams Realty is a great place to start your real estate career

     In recent years, the team concept has expanded in the real estate industry.  It seems to be working like a charm.

     The old dependent business model where all the real estate agents split their commissions with the company really does not work well to encourage an agent to be a team leader.  Financial incentive is critical to success.  The old dependent model makes it almost impossible for the team concept to flourish.

     As a new Realtor gets a few years experience, younger agents start to ask them for help and advice.  It becomes obvious that starting a team would be mutually beneficial to the younger agent and the experienced agent.  There is another character in the mix, the company.

     The old dependent business model company needs everyone, the young agent and the experienced agent,  to remain dependent on the company.  That is keep paying thirty per cent of their income to the company.

     This is usually the time that the experienced agent start looking for a better way, a different business model.  The often find Keller Williams Realty.  Then they lament their previous choice which made so much more sense when their income was half what it is now.  As the agent's income grows, the old 70 -30 split makes less and less sense.

     As that agent's income grows, their opportunities grow also at an interdependent company like Keller Williams Realty.

     That experienced agent can start a team'  She can profit from her mentoring efforts.  The inexperienced agent also profits because he has a "sergeant" leading him.  This is a win-win for the young agent and the experienced agent.

     WIN-WIN is the first premise of the Keller Williams Realty belief system.

     If you are selling real estate anywhere, call me at 828 755 6996 or email me at .  Let me put you in touch with a Keller Williams Realty team leader near you.

     You may not decide to leave your current company.  You will certainly learn something that will put more money in your pocket.  Call me.

     If you are anywhere near Hendersonville, North Carolina, call me.  If you need a real estate license, check out First Real Estate School at

     Whether on a team or as an individual,  selling real estate is a great way to make a living.


Monday, March 18, 2019

Pass Fail Statistics for The North Carolina Real Estate Exam for February 2019

     In February of 2019, four hundred and two real estate license applicants  took the North Carolina real estate exam for the first time.  All of these real estate license applicants passed a seventy five hour  real estate course at an accredited real estate school in North Carolina.  Two hundred and twelve of these applicants passed.  The rest of them will be back at the PSI test center, paying $164 to take the exam again.  That is a 52% pass rate.  If you are an pessimist, that is a 48% failure rate.

     This North Carolina real estate exam is not easy.  It is not inexpensive.  It cost $164 every time you take it.  Overstudying seems like a good idea.

     How do the repeat test takers do? In February, two hundred and two repeat test takers took the North Carolina real estate exam for the second or third or fourth time.  Thirty five exam candidates passed.   They all paid $164 every time they took the North Carolina real estate exam.  That is a 17% pass rate.  This test is not easy.
The North Carolina real estate test is not easy

     It would appear that the repeat exam candidates would do better.  They have already seen the test.  They know how hard it is.  They know that the answers look very similar.  It seems that they would fare better.  This is not true.  What is true is that the applicants that failed underestimated the North Carolina real estate exam.  They think they are ready.

     They think they are ready even though they have not done any practice tests like the one in the back of their real estate textbook or the free practice test that I have posted at  This is free.  This is easy.  This will give any applicant a warning if they need one.  Plenty of applicants go take the exam at $164 per opportunity without taking this FREE practice exam.  Why?  It is a mystery to me.  I have another practice exam at .  You should be making a 95% on my practice exam before you spend $164 to practice at the PSI test center.  Does that seem right to you?  Answer ALL the questions at the end of the chapters in your real estate textbook.

     There is no mystery about what is on the North Carolina real estate exam.  The North Carolina Real Estate Commission publishes a forty page booklet that tells us EXACTLY what is on the real estate exam.  Many real estate exam applicants go pay $164 to take the exam without even glancing at this information in this booklet.  Here is a video that I made with more information about that.  Check this out.  If you are studying, be certain that you are studying the right thing.

     The North Carolina real estate exam is broken into two parts:  The "national" portion which is one hundred questions and the "North Carolina" portion which is forty questions .  An applicant can make a 100% on one portion and miss the other portion by one point.  That applicant will be paying $164 to take that failed portion again.  This may not seem fair.  That is the way it is.  Far more people fail the North Carolina portion than the national portion.  You either know what the Conner act is or you don't.  You either know what the Machinery act is or you don't.  You either know how many members are on the N.C.R.E.C. or you don't.

     In your textbook in Appendix A, there is about half of what you need to know to pass the North Carolina portion of the test.  Many test candidates go take the exam without reading Appendix A, "The Comments".  Why would anyone do that?  Read "The Comments" in Appendix A in your textbook.  It is boring.  It is dull.  It is on the test.  If you don't want to read it yourself, you can listen to me read it on You Tube at  There are seven of these videos.  Read it yourself or listen to me read it.  This material is certainly on the North Carolina real estate exam.

     The national portion of the exam is 100 questions.  Fifteen percent of those one hundred questions are math.  An applicant needs to be able to compute interest and equity dividend rate and amortization and excise tax and net listings and commissions.  I have all of the this posted in a series of videos on You Tube.  Any math that is on the North Carolina real estate exam is posted on You Tube.  Watch it at  Watch the six videos where I am wearing the black T shirt.  Math is fifteen percent of the national portion of the exam.

     Make studying a team sport.  Get together with your classmates.  Share ideas and study aids that you have found online.  Help each other.  Since I work at Keller Williams Realty, this seems natural to me.  We encourage our students to study together and pass together. 

     Here is a super simple obvious tip.  Read the textbook.  There are plenty of test applicants that go take the test ( at $164 per opportunity) when they have not read the textbook.  Yes, I mean read every word of the textbook including the glossary.  Read the textbook.  Turn off the TV.  Turn off Facebook.  Read the textbook.  If you are still in real estate school, read the chapter that you know your instructor will be covering next class session.  Write questions in the margin.  Ask them in class.  Read the real estate textbook. 

     Make yourself some flashcards.  Make a couple of hundred.  Take a 3x5 card.  Write Four things the N.C.R.E.C. can do as punishment on one side of the card.  Put the answer on the back.  Use these all the time until your exam.  Write What are riparian rights on one side of the card.  Put the answer on the back. 

     Study, Study, Study. 

     When you get your North Carolina real estate license, if you're looking for a great place to start your new career, let me personally invite you to interview with Keller Williams Realty.  This is such a pleasant place to work and start a new career.  A new licensee could not ask for better training or peer support.  Please call me at 828 755 6996.  I will have a team leader from an office near you to contact you.  You will thank me later. 

     First things first.  Pass the N.C.R.E.C. exam.  Watch my You Tube videos.  Take my practice exam.  Study.  Study.  Study.  Stay in touch with your classmates.  Gather their contact information while you are still in class.  Call them and congratulate them when they pass. 

     If you are anywhere near Asheville or  Hendersonville, join us at First Real Estate School   for your post license class.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Buy A House For Zero Down in Hendersonville, North Carolina

     I looked in my mailbox at the office this morning.  There was an advertisement from a mortgage company stating that anyone with a credit score of 660 or better can buy a house in Hendersonville, North Carolina with zero down payment.  The loan amount can be up to $484,000..   Here is what I can not understand.  Why would anyone continue to rent knowing this is true? 

     Are there people that do not know that real estate appreciates in value?  Are there people that do not know that twenty years ago in Hendersonville, an average house was less than $100,000?   Are there people that think renting a home is better in some way than owning a home?  Are there young people that think they will NOT need a home to live in in twenty years?
Quit renting.  Own your home.  I can help.  

     If you wonder how much homes will appreciate in the future, consider the past.  Watch this short video that I made in 2012 when an average house in Orlando was $110,000.  That was only seven years ago.

    What is holding YOU back from making a decision to be a homeowner?  In twenty years, would you rather have $100,000 in equity in your home or $100,000 in rent receipts.?   You have to rent or own.  Those are the only two choices.  This seems like a simple decision to me.  Choose wisely.

     If your credit is not so hot, get Dave Ramsey's book from the free library.  Solve that problem.  It is an easy problem to solve once you get started.

     Owning a home is the easiest first step to getting financially better off.  Why delay?

     Call me,  828 755 6996.  Email me,  ronclimer,  Let me help you buy a home in Hendersonville NOW.  I can refer you to a good Realtor no matter where you are.  Here is a video I made about how to qualify for a mortgage in North Carolina.   Qualifying for a mortgage is not a secret, mysterious, difficult process.  The rules are very straightforward.  You can do this.  YOU have to start the process.  Contact me.  I will help.

     My next article is going to be about reasons why people prefer to rent long term.  If you are renting, would you please leave a comment and tell me why you prefer to rent than own.   If you own a home, could you leave  a comment and tell me why you think that has been a good decision for you. 


Sunday, February 10, 2019

Looking For a Lay Down, a Unique Prospecting Method For Salespeople

When I was young, I worked in a Buick store in Orlando, Florida.  Selling cars is a good place to learn to sell.  Everyone needs a car.  Everyone is a prospect.  

In the car business, they have their own language.  The term 'Lay Down"  refers to a customer that walks in and is so easy that Bozo the Clown could sell them a car.  They don't need financing.  They don't have any objections.  They are not concerned with the color.  A symptom of a lay down is that they arrive at the dealership in a taxi cab with a insurance check in their shirt pocket.  They have lay downs in every industry.  Maybe other industries do not use that term.  Easy customers are everywhere in all industries.  

After I had gone through my one month training at the Buick store with Henry and learned to sell, ( If you have not read that article, you need to read it. Here is a link )  I found one or two lay downs every month.  

In real estate, we certainly have plenty of lay downs.  If you are not finding your fair share, perhaps it is because you are not looking, prospecting, enough.  If you called fifty expired listings, SURELY there would be one lay down in that group.  
In my youth, I learned a lot about selling at a car store

If you called fifty  forsalebyowners, certainly there would be one lay down among them.  

If you held fifty Open Houses, surely one lay down would walk into one of those open houses.  

If you joined some service club or lead exchange club, surely you would meet one or two lay downs per year.  

If you posted You Tube videos about real estate in your town, maaaaaaybe a lay down would see your video about USDA financing with 1% down payment and call you.  Maybe.  

If you called fifty of your friends and past customers and asked them if they know anyone about to move, perhaps your buddy would refer you to a lay down that lists his house with you.  

If you called fifty foreclosure victims, surely one of them would be glad you called to solve their problem.  

If you did some of the above activities, even if you never met a lay down, you would certainly meet regular prospects that do have a few objections and do need financing and do care about color and neighborhoods etc.  You should be able to sell them.  

Get your fair share of the lay downs.  Call lots of prospects or find a way to make lots of prospects call you.  When the boss walks by and you are sitting at your desk with your headset on and the boss asks if you are lead generating.   Tell her the truth.  " No Boss.  I am looking for a lay down.".    Call a prospect today.  

Friday, January 18, 2019

How To Lower The Cost of Getting a North Carolina Real Estate License

     You can lower the cost of getting a North Carolina real estate license by passing the North Carolina real estate exam the first time that you take it.  In  December of 2018, five hundred and three real estate exam candidates took the comprehensive real estate exam for the first time.  All of these real estate license applicants had graduated from a real estate school in North Carolina.

     Many of these applicants had not been warned by their real estate instructor that only 280 of them would pass.  Forty three per cent of these applicants will be back paying $164 to try again.  This is so unnecessary.  Study for the North Carolina real estate exam BEFORE you take it. This test is tough.  This test is expensive to retake, $164 every time you go back.

     There is no mystery about what is on the North Carolina real estate exam.  The North Carolina Real Estate Commission publishes a booklet telling us exactly what is on the exam.  Here is a link to the details about that.   This is published in your textbook.   You have to read it.  Many people go take the North Carolina real estate exam without reading this booklet.

     There are fifteen math questions on the North Carolina real estate exam.  I have every math question that is on the North Carolina real estate exam explained on You Tube.  Here is a link to one of those 100 videos.  Why would anyone go spend $164 to take the North Carolina real estate test without knowing how to do the math?  One hundred and sixty four dollars is a lot of money at my house.  Watch all of these videos until you know how to do all the math that you may encounter on the exam.

     In December of 2018, one hundred and sixty six test candidates took the North Carolina comprehensive real estate exam for the second or third or fourth time.  Twenty three of these repeat test takers passed.  They all paid $164 for the opportunity.  Eighty six per cent failed.  They will be paying $164 to try again.  Please pass the first time.  The North Carolina real estate exam is not easy.  If your real estate instructor failed  to tell you that, take it from me.
After you pass, let me tell you about Keller Williams Realty

     You must study.  You must read the book.  If you went to the best real estate school in North Carolina with the best instructor ever, you can not learn enough in class to pass the North Carolina real estate exam.  You have to study outside of class.  You need to answer the questions at the end of the chapters.  Grade yourself.  Do the practice test in the book.  Do my practice test at Find other study aids online and use them.   Get together with your classmates and study in groups.  Go take the state exam as soon as possible after your class is over.

     Read Appendix A in your textbook.  Half the questions on the North Carolina section of the exam comes from Appendix A also known as "The Comments".   Here is a link to me reading the comments if you are too busy to read them.  Listen to me read them while you drive etc.

     Please do not take this exam two or three times at $164 per try.  You can pass it the first time IF YOU STUDY.

     After you pass, please call me and let me tell you about Keller Williams Realty.  It is a wonderful place to start a new real estate career.  Ron Climer 828 755 6996 or 828 440 1064

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Please Write A Letter to North Carolina Real Estate Commission Repeal 58 H. 0302

     Earlier this month, I received a letter from the North Carolina Real Estate Commission stating that they are considering repealing the rule that requires a new real estate school instructor permit applicant to submit an hour long video of their teaching to be "approved" by the staff of the North Carolina Real Estate Commission.  This is rule 58H .0302.

     As part of their consideration process, the Commission wants to hear from you.  Between January 15 and March 13, 2019, the Commission is accepting written comments from you.  They want to know how you feel.  If you do not know how I feel about this, read my article about my ordeal in 2016.  Here is a link to that.   After thirty years of teaching real estate classes in Florida, I applied for a instructor permit in North Carolina.  My video was rejected by the staff of the North Carolina Real Estate Commission three times for silly reasons like like I took my glasses on and off too much and I ended a sentence with a preposition.  It appeared to me that this video approval was some sort of hazing for new instructors.
Write a letter to N.C.R.E.C. Repeal 58H .0302

     Today, in 2019, it appears that the North Carolina Real Estate Commission is considering eliminating this unnecessary, humiliating process.  Just to be certain they know how I feel, I am writing another letter to the N.C.R.E.C. It will be very similar to what I said when I went to speak to them in person. Here is a link to that.

     Would you please take a few minutes and write a letter to the N.C.R.E.C. and let them know how you feel.  Ask them to repeal 58 H. 0302.  We do not need video evaluation of new instructors. There are too many young, ambitious real estate instructors that do not have as much tenacity as I do. This video evaluation hazing process has stopped too many real estate instructor careers before they began in North Carolina. .

     Please take a few minutes and send a letter by US mail or email to the N.C.R.E.C. at PO Box 17100 in Raleigh, N.C. 27619 or  Help end this discriminatory practice that does nothing to protect the public and does nothing to make North Carolina real estate schools better.

     Thank you.  Mail your letter today. Anyone can mail a letter.  You do not have to be an instructor.  You do not have to be a Realtor.  You do not have to live in North Carolina.   Please leave a comment.  Here are a few more links.