Saturday, October 11, 2014

October Eleventh Income Increase Challenge

     Today is Saturday.  Did you meet your weekly goals so far this week?  The month is 35% over .  Are you on track to accomplish your goals?

     Run today's expired listings off the MLS .  Send mail to as many as you can afford.  All of them would be best.  No other Realtors will be calling these red hot prospects.  Call as many as you can get a phone number for.  Pick one that you can not get a phone number for and go knock on their door.  They are not going to bite you.  You reception will probably be much warmer than you think.  Since you are only going to knock on one door, do a CMA.  Take it with you.  What are the odds that the expired listing would meet you, know you are in real estate and not ask you a question like,"Why do think my house expired?"  I think the odds are pretty good that you will hear that question.  Be prepared when you hear that question.  You have your listing presentation ready.  You have a CMA in your hand.

     "Why do I think your house expired?  I am glad you asked me that.  I have brought a market analysis and a marketing plan that I think you will find very interesting.  Could we sit down over here at the kitchen table for ten minutes or make an appointment for me to stop by later on today ?"   Sit down.  Do your listing presentation.  Show them the CMA.  Close the deal.

     If you don't have a prepared listing presentation, Google "Listing Presentation"
     Google yourself
     Start putting together a letter to mail to the expireds. Often a well done letter gets better results.  If that is your only contact because you can not get a phone number, it is your only hope.

     Start writing down the for sale by owners.  If you watched my video, the three by five card method is still a wonderful way to keep track of these.  Use your device if you prefer.  Here is the deal.  Did you read my previous article about getting face to face with prospects?  Prospecting has to become a habit.  If it is a chore, you are probably going to do it for a couple of weeks and then quit.  Prospecting has to be like brushing your teeth.  You start your day running the expireds.  The fsbo cards are just laying there on your desk.  You have ten minutes, lets check our emails.  That is a habit.  Lets don't check our emails.  Let's call a fsbo or an expired.

     It is Saturday.  Put some bait in the prospect trap.  Write a blogpost  or post a You tube video or both. You won't catch any prospects if there is no bait in the trap.

     If you went out to Lowes or a yard sale or a little league ball game and got arrested for being a Realtor, would there be enough evidence to convict you?  Are you wearing a Realtor baseball cap?  Are you wearing your Climer School of Real Estate T shirt or your century 21 T shirt or the T shirt you had made that says," Ask me about real estate"?  Are you wearing your Realtor pin on the lapel of your sweat shirt?  Be a walking prospect trap.  Don't be a secret agent.  You don't have to be obnoxious.  Buy some wearing apparel that lets people know you are a Realtor.  What do you do at  the little league game?  You talk to the other parents.  They move.  Always have business cards in your pocket.  Always. 

     Send a Thank You card by U S mail to someone.

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