Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October Fifteenth, Income Increase Challenge for New Realtors.

     Today is Wednesday.  Those of you that are participating in the challenge, are you following the instructions?  None of this will work if you don't.

     Run today's expired listing off the MLS.  Send mail to 100% of them.  Send post cards if cash flow is a problem.  Get a nice letter and use it if you can.   This instruction is not going to change.  There is no hotter prospect than an expired.  They are going to list with someone.  They still want to sell their house.  They are making payments.  They are already sold on a Realtor.  Mail is good.  Mail and a phone call is better.  A knock on the door works.  Go back and read my article about prospects.  Yesterday's expired listing is a red hot super duper deluxe prospect by any definition.  Contact them.

     Have you set some prospect traps?   Have you posted a blogpost?  Have you posted a video on You Tube?  Are you wearing your Realtor pin?

     Start looking for forsalebyowners.  Call at least one. Let one be the minimum, not the maximum. Watch my video about calling forsalebyowners.   I want to try and communicate my attitude about forsalebyowners to you.  These guys are prospects.  You must talk to a prospect to make money.  Did you talk to a prospect yesterday?  Did you?  If you went to a million dollar closing yesterday, that is cool but it is not talking to a prospect.  Going to look at a million dollar forsalebyowner that has told you he has no intention of listing with a Realtor is talking to a prospect.  Did you talk to a prospect yesterday?  Do you have an appointment to talk to an prospect today?  If not work on getting one.  Please get tuned in to the concept of talking to a prospect.  You must get face to face with a prospect to make money in real estate.

     Lets get back to my attitude.  I don't want you to call a forsalebyowner and aggressively try to make an appointment to go out to their house and convince them that they are wrong and you are right and they should list with you.  Watch the video.  After you watch that video, scroll up and watch the video,"First visit with forsalebyowner'.  Here is what I want you to do.  I want you to call Mr. Fsbo and say what I told you on the video.  I want you to go visit with him.  Go shoot the breeze with him.  Go talk to him.  What do I want you to talk about.  I want you to talk about whatever he is interested in.  Just visit.  Hold the hard sell.  Just go make a friend.  If you are not in the mood to be rejected, stop there.  Spend a few minutes with them.  Say Goodbye and don't even ask them for a second appointment as I describe in the video.  You must speak to a prospect.  These folks are prospects.  These folks are pleasant.  Call at least one fsbo today.

     Add    ten names to your whoyouknow list.  Don't forget we are getting U.S. mail out before Friday to everyone on the list. 

    Mail me a Happy Birthday card at P O Box 403  Tryon N.C. 28782

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